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Business Graduate Program
College of Business


The Business Graduate Programs unit administers all graduate degree programs offered by the College of Business: the Master of Business Administration (MBA), the MBA On-line, the Master of Professional Accountancy (MPA), the MPA Online, and the Ph.D. Program in Business, Accounting, Economics, and Management.

Pursuit of 2nd Degree

Pursuit of Second Degree


MBA:  1st Degree; MPA: 2nd Degree

After completing the MBA, a student wishing to complete the MPA must submit an application for the MPA along with 3 letters of recommendations from MBA professors.

If admitted for the second degree, the student must complete all undergraduate accounting prerequisites before completing the following 18 graduate credits in Accounting:

ACC 541 Advanced Accounting Theory
ACC 565 Seminar in Government & Non Profit Accounting
ACC 575 Research in Taxation
ACC 557 Advanced Auditing
ACC Elective
ACC Elective

MPA:  1st Degree; MBA: 2nd Degree

After completing the MPA, a student wishing to complete the MBA must submit application for the MBA along with 3 letters of recommendation from MPA professors.

If admitted for the second degree, the student must satisfactorily complete the following 18 credit hours:

MNGT 502 Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
MKT 530 Managerial Marketing
ECO 530/512Managerial Economics
MNGT 560 Business Policy
2 MBA Electives (ENTR, MKT, ECO, MNGT, FNGB)

Students wishing to pursue the dual degree path or the second degree must contact the MBA academic advisor, the MPA academic advisor, or the graduate program director to develop the appropriate plan of study to ensure timely completion of curricular requirements.


The College of Business at Jackson State University is proud to collaborate with the Deloitte Foundation to champion diverse talent entering the CPA profession.

Want to learn more? Click below to view our opportunities.



Graduate Studies

MBA Curriculum

MBA Curriculum

MPA Curriculum

MPA Curriculum


Deloitte Foundation Accounting Scholars Program


View Personnel

Dr. Nizar Alsharari, Director

Ms. Deborah Haymon, Administrative Assistant



For more information, please contact us at (601) 979- 1210.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



Business Graduate Programs
College of Business
1400 J. R.  Lynch Street
P. O.  Box 17067
Jackson, MS 39217


(601) 979-1210