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Career Services Center

Preparing For Graduate School

Career Services Center provides the following services and resources to JSU students and alumni to help choose a major, develop a personal career plan, learn job search skills and find employment. To discover more, click one of the categories below.

Choosing a Major/Career
Learn more details about approaching a career and/or deciding upon your major.
Preparing for Graduate School
Tools to help you in your preparation for graduate school
Job Search Preparation
Prepare for your job search with these helpful resources.
Finding Jobs & Internships
Search for temporary and full-time employment to enhance your educational experience.


Is graduate school in your future?

Graduate and Professional Schools Day is a service to junior, senior, and graduate students who contemplate further study upon their graduation from Jackson State.  This event occurs every September.

As you near completion of your undergraduate degree, you will be faced with new, sometimes difficult, decisions about what to do next. The options are many — one is that you might wish to continue your education by attending graduate school or professional school.

Making the decision to attend graduate or professional school can sometimes be a hectic process. But, once you have reached this decision, it’s time for the next steps to finding and getting into a graduate program.


While preparing to apply to graduate or professional school there are three questions to consider:

• What do I want to do?

• Who has the program?

• Which admissions test is needed?


Once you have answered the above questions and you’ve narrowed your program choice, it’s time to apply.

• Prepare, take and send scores for the appropriate admissions test

• Request applications

• Prepare personal statement

• Request transcripts

• Obtain letters from references

• Prepare for the interview

• Inquire about financial aid (such as scholarships, fellowships, graduate assistantships, research assistantships)

THIRD STEP: Follow-up

Plan at least one visit to campus for a face-to-face meeting with the program chair or an advisor

• Note deadlines for application and notification of acceptance

• Accept offer and follow up with additional materials if needed


Career Services Center

Jacob L. Reddix Building, Suite 110
1400 John R. Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217-0280




